Help&Support page now available in English

Help&Support page now available in English

Launchyoo is an international social network. We are present in more than 20 countries so far and growing, and though most of our activity is currently focused in Spanish-speaking countries, we are putting all efforts into growing in the English market.

A definite step in this direction is rendering available our “Help and Support” page in English . Having a look at it will transform you into an expert in the new social network with all its possibilities; the one that is ethical and transparent, that brings new cool functionalities and that puts the user, the person (you!), your experience, in the center, finally.

So, we got it ready, here it is -> Help Launchyoo

The opportunity of learning the secrets of a new social network does not occur every day, take it! And please let us know your opinion


What’s in the Help&Support page?

Well, everything actually. We have separated the information into six big groups, each of them with articles describing features, options, giving suggestions and explaining Launchyoo’s reason to be and objectives.

Describing all the features of the platform, those already present in other social networks and those completely and utterly new. From the personal tags to the contacts temperature, from the way posts are shared and what they can include, to the separate walls, their different and specific content and how to post on each of them, re-posting, groups, creating an account, and plenty more.

The previous group is about Launchyoo’s practicalities, this one is a little more about the management side: how to control notifications (internal and push), asking for friendship and blocking options, configuration of your profile page or contacting us.

You will find all the information regarding Community Rules and Data Protection here, as well as how to report a problem with another user, a privacy violation or an inappropriate post. We want to be a special place, one that is openminded, that respects individuality as well as difference of opinions and backgrounds. We have stablished a set of community rules, which we believe are as good as we can make them, to try to grant this. You will therefore find everything explained here.

The user experience and the importance of the person behind the profile are something that have been lost on current big social networks, where company greed has transformed us into data to be gathered, into the product. We want Launchyoo to be definitely different, to provide a more serene experience, a truly fresh one, in a place that respects you and your data. This group explains all this, what’s behind and how it is carried over effectively. Data Policy, Your Privacy or Advice for Parents are some of the chapters.

This is a social platform that loves variety, and as such we have created four types of profiles for each person to choose the one that best suits his or her desires toward the social experience, the specific needs. User, Influencer, Association and Business. There is an important place for companies, brands and professionals that want to expand their presence in the new social network, reach people and divulge their messages and products. Everything that Launchyoo can do for them is explained here, from the specifics of the Business-type profile, to the Ads, to what can be done on Launchyoo, and how, to increase the digital footprint. Remember, Launchyoo is the first social network that is born with different types of profiles, for a natural coexistence of all kinds of actors, and that is “open” and subject to SEO, backlinks and Google search.

A collection of topics that might have remained unanswered in the previous groups. How to invite friends, how to reset the password, recommended size of images for a better visual impact of profile page and posts or where to find Launchyoo profiles on other social networks, plus other questions we will add over time, thanks to your contribution.


It’s been made and it keeps evolving with love as its main ingredient.

So, have a good reading and we sincerely hope that you will like what you see. It’s been made and it keeps evolving with love as its main ingredient. It could not be any other way: it’s born from a small group of people, with limited support, that tries to change the world.

But we are not alone.

Más para explorar

socializacion destacada

Ha llegado la Socialización

La nueva funcionalidad de Launchyoo se llama ‘Socialización’, y lleva el mundo de las redes sociales más allá: lo transforma de virtual

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Si queremos ser una alternativa a las grandes redes, tenemos que serte útil, tanto si estás en Launchyoo simplemente para divertirte, como